Release Date:March 30, 2018 (North America)
Developers:Idea Factory, Otomate
Publishers:Idea Factory, Aksys Games
Platforms:PS Vita, PS4
ESRB Rating: T(Teen)

Click to read the game’s synopsis here.
CODE REALIZE: FUTURE BLESSINGS (the first fandisc of the series, Code Realize) are varieties of After stories that took place after the events of the first game, Code Realize: Guardian of Rebirth.
This game contains the following stories:
- White Rose(After Stories) – no choices
- Lupin’s Gang (Extra Story) – no choices
- Finis Route (Extra Story) – walkthrough available
- Herlock Sholmes Route (Extra Story) – walkthrough available
Just like the previous game, Code Realize: Future Blessings’ beautiful artwork was done by the popular Japanese illustrator “Miko”
The game’s OP and ED themes were also arranged by the same composer (Anze Hijiri) and performed by the same artist (Mao). Three ending themes unlock after playing the extra and after stories. My favorite would have to be“My Dearest”by Mao.
Darius Gordon (VA: Takaya Hashi ) – Lotus (Saint Seya), Kaichou (Hajime No Ippo)
Shirley Gordon (VA: Haruka Yamazaki) – HANA (Collar x Malice)
Avido Crudele (VA: Katsuyuki Konishi) – Reiji (Diabolik Lovers) Xeno Gerald (Midnight Cinderella), Ritsu Kisaragi (Kiniro No Corda: Bluesky)
Hansel Hexenhaus (VA: Okamoto Nobuhiko) – Pearl (Black Wolves Saga), Hikaru (Brothers Conflict), Lancelot (Ikerev), Souda Manabo (Collar x Malice)
John H. Watson (VA: Kosuke Toriumi) – Rei Mikuni (Collar x Malice), Hideyoshi (Ikesen), Saito Hajime (Hakuoki), Shuu (Diabolik Lovers), Kagiha (Psychedelica BB)
Recommended play order?
I don’t think there’s one, but I’ve mostly enjoyed playing the game in the order below:
1)Lupin’s Gang
2)Finis Route
3)Herlock Sholmes Route
4)Saint Germain (White Rose)
5)Victor (White Rose)
6)Van Helsing (White Rose)
7)Impey (White Rose)
8)Lupin (White Rose)

Another Story: Lupin’s Gang
This story happened somewhere in the middle of Guardian of Rebirth’s common route. While Cardia was test driving Impey’s newly repaired automobile in the city of London, she runs into a young girl who’s being chased by the Mafia.
Although this story offers more new likable characters and an extended playthrough, I find it the least enjoyable among the extra treats of Future Blessings. It does, however, make a really good side story. I enjoyed seeing Cardia making new friends (a girl this time), and it was nice to see the boys in their black mafia outfits!

New Characters: YES
Angst Level: NONE
Enjoyment Level: 8/10
Fan Service: 7/10
Extra Story: Finis’ Route
The events in Finis’ story commenced right after the last chapter of Cardia’s common route in Guardian of Rebirth. As Cardia decided to leave Saint Germain’s mansion to return to her home in Wales, she’s surprised to find hersupposed-to-bedead brother Finis waiting for her at their old abandoned house.

In this route, Cardia tries very hard to help her misguided twin brother Finis realize that they’re not just disposable living dolls but rather an individual capable of loving someone and receiving love in return. I’m a fan of endearing family relationships done right in visual novels so I honestly enjoyed Finis’ story. It was very heartwarming, to say the least, and I find Finis and Cardia’s interactions as brother and sister too adorable for words.
New Characters: YES
Angst Level: 7/10
Enjoyment Level: 8/10
Fan Service: NONE
Extra Story: Herlock Sholmes Route
Just like Finis’ route, the events of Herlock Sholmes’ story followed after the last chapter of Cardia’s common route in Guardian of Rebirth.

Since Sholmes was one of the prominent characters in the last game that left quite an impression on fans, it was so refreshing to finally play this character’s very own romanceable route. Though it may not seem up to par with the main casts’ canon stories, Sholmes’ route was surprisingly good. I love that we get to see a different (clumsy yet cute)side of this handsome detective.
New Characters: YES
Angst Level: 8/10
Enjoyment Level: 8/10
Fan Service:8/10
After Story: White Rose
These are “After Stories” that took place right after each main characters’ true ending in Guardian of Rebirth. They do not offer choices, and the playtimes are rather short compared to the extra stories. You can literally finish a route in just an hour and a half.

I think Saint Germain’s story was a good starting route for White Rose as it introduces great detail on getting rid of Cardia’s poison, which pretty much is where the whole plot of this after-story revolves around. While I find these events enjoyable, it is nowhere near as happy as the other characters’ stories. Is it me, or is Saint’s route cursed with melancholia?This route also shows Saint Germain’s possessive and jealous side which I find quite adorable considering his character’s tragic background.

New Characters: YES (Hermes Trismegistus)
Angst Level: 10/10
Enjoyment Level: 8/10
Fan Service:8/10
Following Victor’s True ending in Guardian of Rebirth, where he found a cure to counteract Cardia’s poison, his after story begins with both him and the heroine living normal lives in Saint G’s mansion. Everything waspeachy keen until a certain conflict arises ~ caused by our meddling friends from Idea.
While the angst level in this route waspretty up there, it did have its funny moments and I pretty much enjoyed the“wingman talks” with Queen Victoria and Leondhartd (lol). I also loved how this route showed strong bonds of friendship between the couple and their dear friends who are ALWAYS there to support them.

New Characters: NO
Angst Level:9/10
Enjoyment Level: 8/10
Fan Service:7/10
Oh boy… Get ready for some intense fangirl squealing because this is all you’ll ever get from this route. Van’s White Rose story was purely fan-service and I absolutely devoured it! ha!
In this route, we’ll get to see Van taking Cardia out on a date, holding hands while window shopping for a wedding dress, lots of kissing, & lots of lovey-dovey couple scenes. We’ll also get to see Van and Cardia’s first lovers quarrel. I find it hilarious how the rest of the gang tries their best to pitch in pieces of love advice to Van on how to become an ideal boyfriend.😂 Despite this after story’s lack of plot ~ I had the most laughs in this route. It is no doubt one enjoyable read (esp. to Van Helsing fans).

New Characters: NO
Angst Level:8/10
Enjoyment Level: 9/10
Fan Service:11/10
Impey’s story follows after his True Ending in Guardian of Rebirth, where he furthers his research for a way to journey to the moon. Now, with the girl he loves at his side, our genius engineer is confident enough to make his long-term goal happen. However, due to a couple of snags from his “moon project,” he finds himself unable to push through financially, so he seeks and finds unexpected help from his old acquaintances as well as his dear friends.
I expected Impey’s White Rose story to be as light-hearted and fun as his first route in Guardian of Rebirth butgoodness me…!this after story turned out to be the best in this fandisc. No joke! If you’re an Impey fan, consider this something to REALLY look forward to!

New Characters: NO
Angst Level:NONE
Enjoyment Level: 10/10
Fan Service:10/10
Lupin’s white rose story was split into two parts. The first one was, of course,the long-awaited fanservice episode where we get to see the couple’s lovey-dovey relationship after their wedding. The second was Cardia wanting to know more about her father, Isaac Beckford.
Because I am all about the fanservice in otome sequels (laughs), I totally dig Lupin’s after story. Seeing Lupin getting all flustered after hearing Cardia narrate her true honest feelings about the gentleman thief who stole her heart was such an absolute delight.
The second after story, on the other hand, was more on justification concerning Isaac Beckford’s actions. Although it was already hinted in Guardian of Rebirth that Isaac wasn’t the wicked man as he was portrayed in the game. This little portion in Future Blessings showed more of his good side. This story also showed Cardia Beckford’s happy family which was in a way, satisfying and was technically a nice conclusion to Future Blessing’s finale.

New Characters: NO
Angst Level:NONE
Enjoyment Level: 10/10
Fan Service:9/10
These are very short episodes of Delacroix II “Delly” day to day routine living in Saint Germain’s mansion. The episodes are automatically unlocked as you play through the extra and after stories of the game.
It’s about time they give credit to our adorable little vampire king. I love all of these short episodes, but most of all, I love all the CGs that come with it!

Enjoyment Level: 10/10
Fan Service:10/10 (wait til’ you unlock Delly’s last CG!)
I love it! Story-wise, it’s not as grand as the first game. Needless to say, if you’re a fan of Code Realize: Guardian of Rebirth, you won’t be disappointed with Future Blessings. All the extras and after stories were exceptionally good and all the new characters were extremely likable ~ they grow on you.
I have to say this was one good purchase and I would no doubt recommend this to everyone who enjoyed the first Code Realize game. To otome fans who are still teetering, wondering if this game is worth your penny, take my advice and don’t miss your chance to play this gem.