'The Night Agent' season 2 finale ending explained (2025)

'The Night Agent' season 2 finale ending explained (1)

WARNING: This article contains spoilers for all of The Night Agent season 2.

The Night Agent season 2 ended with Peter Sutherland once again waiting for a phone to ring.

The 10 episodes saw Peter (Gabriel Basso) help stop a chemical weapons threat from dictator Viktor Bala, but he made some pretty questionable choices along the way — including releasing a witness and stealing intelligence to make sure that Rose (Luciane Buchanan) was safe. Peter clearly can't compartmentalize his relationships as a night agent, so in the finale, he forces Rose to agree not to call him or come looking for him again. To atone for his actions — which resulted in the swinging of the presidential election — our favorite night agent accepts a new mission: double agent.

But let's recap how we got there.


Noor (Arienne Mandi) is our favorite new character of the season. Catherine (Amanda Warren), Sami (Marwan Kenzari), and Peter's attempt to get Noor's mother and brother, Farhad, out of Iran went south when Farhad refused to go with Sami. He fought against the agent, and Sami was forced to shoot him, resulting in his death. This all happened without Noor's knowledge, as Peter told her that both her family members were okay to get her to hand over the intelligence she was keeping.

Fast forward a bit, and Javad is onto Noor's deception. He tells her that Farhad is dead, but adds in the lie that her mother is still in Iran. Peter calls Noor for help getting into the U.N. building (at Jacob Monroe's request) while she is being interrogated by Javad, and she agrees to meet Peter on Javad's orders.

'The Night Agent' season 2 finale ending explained (2)

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When they reunite in their usual basement meeting place, Peter tells Noor the truth: Yes, her brother is dead, but her mother is here in New York and waiting for her with Sami. Noor agrees to help Peter get into the U.N. and warns him about Javad waiting to jump him outside.

While she's printing a U.N. badge for Peter, Noor runs into Abbas. He agrees to let her go on the condition that she take intelligence on dissidents staying in France to the French delegates at the U.N.to keep them safe. But as Noor leaves the U.N., Javad finds her during a political rally for Governor Hagan (more on him later). Noor is able to get away after starting a fight among the Hagan supporters and is found by Sami, who finally reunites Noor with her mother.

Javad returns to the Iranian mission in a fury, only to be questioned by Abbas about his relationship with the "traitor," a.k.a. Noor. Abbas plans to get Javad impeached for moving classified intelligence that was later stolen by Noor; Abbas isn't convinced that Javad's meetings with Noor were purely platonic.The last we see of Javad, he's being taken away to be sent back to Iran.

In the finale, Rose meets up with Noor, who we learn has received asylum, gotten a new job, and is working to acclimate to her new life with her mother. Her storyline is left a bit open-ended — might we see her and Rose appear together in season 3?

The Bala terrorist threat

After deciding to take the lead in his dictator father's plan to unleash a chemical weapon in New York, kidnapping Rose and Dr. Cole and his family, and forcing them to create the compound K.X. in an abandoned warehouse, Tomás Bala (Rob Heaps) starts to have second thoughts. After questioning Rose and hearing Dr. Cole's brutal description of the chemical's effects, Tomás decides he'll try to help them stop K.X.'s distribution. He tells Dr. Cole to stall. Markus confronts him, and Tomás tells him he’s putting an end to their plan — but Markus, of course, isn't having it. Markus locks Tomás in a room with the smashed sample vial of K.X.

While Markus is out to contact Viktor Bala, Dr. Cole creates a different compound, one that will knock out the guards so that he, Rose, and his wife and daughter can escape. Peter shows up just in time, and the four of them escape — but not before Markus and his thugs get out with 15 canisters of K.X.

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The next morning, the terrorists sneak into the U.N. building under the guise of maintenance crew and place K.X. canisters in the HVAC system. While the NYPD evacuates the U.N. building, Rose helps the FBI deputy director identify Markus and his squad. They get all of them but Markus, who escapes and heads to a nearby hotel — with the last of the K.X. It's the same hotel where Tomás' girlfriend, Sloane (Elise Kibler), is staying. Peter and Rose arrive to ask her some questions, but Markus beats them there — he wants to force her to call up her jet for him to escape — and has her tied up.

While Peter engages in a shoot-out with Markus, Rose overhears a hotel employee say the HVAC system is down — Markus already set up the final canister of K.X. to deploy through the air vents when it reaches 200 kWh — which is about eight minutes from the time Rose finds it.

After neutralizing Markus, Peter and Rose frantically start evacuating the building. They figure out a way to shut down the vents — if the system senses a fire, they will automatically seal. Using some new chemistry knowledge from Dr. Cole, Rose starts a fire with some cleaning supplies in one of the vents. It works. All vents close tight just as the K.X. is released, and no one is harmed.


Well, no one is harmed physically. Emotionally, Peter and Rose take a huge beating, as they have a tough conversation that sounds an awful lot like a final break-up. Peter forces Rose to realize that as long as he’s a night agent, she'll be at risk. He tells her she deserves a normal life. She agrees not to call him or come looking for him, and they tearfully part ways.

Rose returns to California and her tech job and is back in therapy. As she tells Noor, "I feel like I can finally start my life again."

'The Night Agent' season 2 finale ending explained (4)

Jacob Monroe

In the finale, we learn that Monroe (Louis Herthum) is working with presidential candidate Governor Hagan. It seems Monroe has been providing Hagan with information on his political opponents for years. Turns out that his current opponent, former CIA director Patrick Knox, oversaw the sale of Foxglove weapons (the K.X.) to Viktor Bala years ago. Bala could never get the U.S. government to admit their involvement; hence, his need for revenge and the plot to unleash K.X. in New York. The intel on Knox is the information Peter stole from the U.N. — and, ostensibly, the info Monroe handed over to Hagan since its release led Knox to drop out of the race.

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Peter's future

Peter turns himself in to Catherine and the FBI for going AWOL (multiple times), releasing Solomon Vega from custody, breaking into the U.N., stealing information, and giving it to Monroe. Catherine tells Peter that he aided and abetted in swinging a presidential election, which clearly guts him. Peter is eager to make things right, and so agrees to Catherine’s proposal that he become a double agent to determine the exact nature of Monroe's relationship with Hagan. Peter's exact mission, according to Catherine: "Gain his trust. Uncover every snake on his payroll. And then, expose. Destroy." She hands him a cell phone and tells Peter to wait for Monroe's call.

'The Night Agent' season 2 finale ending explained (5)

Whether Peter's mission will lead all the way to the Oval Office — we'll have to wait to find out in season 3.

The Night Agent season 2 is now streaming on Netflix.

'The Night Agent' season 2 finale ending explained (2025)
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