X-O Manowar Enemies - Comic Vine (2025)

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    X-O Manowar Enemies - Comic Vine (1)

    Character » X-O Manowar appears in 430 issues.

    Abducted by aliens in 5th-century Europe, Aric of Dacia took control of one of their greatest weapons, the X-O Manowar armor. Returning to Earth where centuries had passed due to time-space relativity, Aric finds himself a barbarian in a "civilized" world, possessing the galaxy's most advanced weapon.

    Short summary describing this character.


    • Abigail Sawyer Assassin hired to kill Aric of Dacia.
    • Absorbing Man An extremely violent boxer turned criminal, Loki bestowed his powers upon him, and he was transformed into the Absorbing Man, granting him powers to absorb any material and take on its properties. He is the on-again-off-again husband of Titania, and an enemy of Thor and Hulk.
    • Admiral Xylem Admiral Xylem is an alien military leader. He was Admiral on the ship that kidnapped X-O Manowar and is leading The Vine's invasion of Earth.
    • Agannon
    • Alloy Alloy is the combination of the remains of the Manowar Class Armor Shanhara & the life essence of the human Paul Bouvier.
    • Aristedes
    • Arnim Zola Scientist Arnim Zola became one of the first biochemists in history after finding notes and equipment belonging to the offshoot race of humanity, the Deviants. He learned many things from his studies, including the ability to transfer people's essence into clones of their original bodies.
    • Atlas Starting his super-criminal life as Power Man and then reinventing himself as the size-altering Goliath, Erik Josten has served as a member of several incarnations of the Masters of Evil and the Lethal Legion. It wasn't until he became Atlas and a founding Thunderbolts member that he truly "discovered" himself.
    • Augur He is a loyal vizier of Mistress Crescendo.
    • Ax A master hacker and member of Pete Stanchek's Renegades.
    • Ballistic Ballistic is a member of Cyber Force and the former field commander of S.H.O.C. She possesses superhuman athletic ability, hand-to-eye coordination, a bionic arm & eye on the right side of her body provided by Cyberdata to repair a crippling injury inflicted by her boyfriend Tony Castellano.She is the older sister to fellow Cyber Force member, Velocity.
    • Baron Heinrich Zemo Dr. Heinrich Zemo was the 12th Baron Zemo and a Nazi war criminal. He is one of Captain America's greatest foes.
    • Basilisk
    • Benito Carboni Mr. Carboni is a Mafia boss in the Valiant Universe.
    • Blackout Blackout is a super-villain who can manipulate Darkforce matter and energy and open portals to it's dimension. He formerly worked alongside Moonstone and subsequently joined the Masters of Evil and later the Thunderbolts.
    • Blister Valiant and Acclaim character
    • Bomb A member of Unity task in bringing down X-O Manowar
    • Bruto Cadmium turncoat who fights for the Azure army
    • Citadel
    • Colonel Gardner He is a U.S. Military officer who was the original man in charge of the Armorines Project.
    • Commander Trill Commander Trill is a member of the alien race The Vine. He serves under Admiral Xylem and is the arch nemesis of X-O Manowar.
    • Corporal Sven Corporal Sven is an officer of M.E.R.O. (Military Extraterrestrial Recon Outpost).
    • Crescendo
    • Do-Bot A power-siphoning being bent on destroying time and space.
    • Empath An unstable Harbinger. Because of her unstability she was locked up in the Harbinger correctional facility in Springfield, Illinois.
    • Ether A member of Unity task in bringing down X-O Manowar
    • Field An unstable Harbinger. Because of his unstability, he was locked up in the Harbinger correctional facility in Springfield, Illinois.
    • Fitzhugh Villain in the Valiant Universe and one of Dr. Silk's henchmen.
    • General Axil General Axil is a General of The Vine's army
    • General Kendall He is a high-ranking officer in the U.S. Military.
    • 76 results
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    X-O Manowar Enemies - Comic Vine (32)

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      X-O Manowar Enemies - Comic Vine (2025)
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      Author: Jonah Leffler

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      Views: 6660

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      Author information

      Name: Jonah Leffler

      Birthday: 1997-10-27

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      Job: Mining Supervisor

      Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

      Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.